Wednesday, September 25, 2013

NB of the Week


Jupiter's Legacy #3
Written by Mark Millar
Drawn by Frank Quitely

What do you do if your parents are the world's greatest superheroes? You've lived like a rockstar in the shadows of their fame and glory but you feel you will never live up to their standards. So why even bother? The biggest hero of them all, The Utopian, is being double crossed by his own family. His son and brother want the world ran a different way and his daughter is now pregnant with the child of a super drug dealer. As his daughter (Chloe) comes back home to try and live a better life for her newly conceived baby, his son (Brandon) begins their strike against him. As heroes turn on Utopian and try to attack all at once (possibly the only chance they have against him), a few others fall on Chloe and her mother. As they try to take Chloe away, her mother does her best to stop them. Only it turns out it's hard to do when they fight has only been taking place in her mind. In reality, she has already lost as they killed her body before they let her mind rejoin. As a silver lining, that druggie Baby-Daddy comes in and is able to save Chloe. Meanwhile, Utopian is completely thrown off when all his teammates are the ones beating the living snot out of him. As he lies bloody and beaten, Brandon comes in. As Utopian tries to plead with his son, begging him to stop this and help him set things right, Brandon knows things will never be right as long as his father is the one in charge. With one final blast, Brandon kills his father and sets off with his uncle to remake the world as they see fit.
There seem to be a lot of people who dislike Millar's writing because they see him as only writing towards "Hollywood standards" so that he can make movie money from the stories later. And with the success of Wanted and Kick-Ass, he'd be kinda stupid not to continue that path but to say he disregards his comic base is absurd. His writing is still top notch as he's able to join big, blockbuster action with the dark comic stories he became famous for (let's not forget that he made a name for himself by writing a story where murdering versions of the Avengers had to fight the Authority). Throw in the amazing art of Frank Quitely and you have a book that even though it's always late, has been damn great for it's first three issues. If this is what comic readers think Hollywood is like than I may have to watch more movies.

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