Thursday, September 2, 2010

I Need More Money.

I was looking at placing an order on Amazon at some point in the near future (which seems to usually be as far as this plan goes) and I was making a mental list of what books I had been waiting on to get and this is my list and their prices:
Invincible Ultimate Collection vol. 5 - $23.09
The Walking Dead vol. 12 - $10.19
Scalped vol. 1 - $9.99
Scalped vol. 2 - $10.19
Scalped vol. 3 - #12.23
Scalped Vol. 4 - $10.19
Scalped vol. 5 - $10.19
Scalped vol. 6 - $10.19
Scalped vol. 7 - $12.14
Starman Omnibus 2 - $31.49
Starman Omnibus 3 - $31.49
Starman Omnibus 4 - $31.49
Starman Omnibus 5 - $31.49
Chew vol. 2 - $9.35
Dexter By Design - $10.17

Which when added up is a total of $263.23.
That's an ass-load of money. So I'm setting up a fund for anyone who wants to help. I call it the Clifton Has No Life And Needs More Comics To Replace A Social Life Fund. Or CHNLANMCTRASLF for short. Drop me a line if you want to help. It all goes to a good cause.

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