Wednesday, September 1, 2010


As any other male could understand, I have fallen for little miss Katy Perry. She is absolutely Zooey Deschanel with a porn star's body, which is probably why I like her more. Anywho, I was listening to her new cd the other day (yeah, you read that right) and I came across this song. Like all her other ones, it's pretty stupid but they always get stuck in my head and this one was the worst. And it's really dirty so I'm sure that helped too. But here it is. Give it a listen and then proceed to make fun of me for it. I understand.


  1. Good Lord, that's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Which is why everybody and their kid sister is gonna be singing it by the end of the month.

  2. Sad to say I also love Katy Perry.

  3. I wish I didn't but I just can't help myself. Looks like I'ma get yet another restraining order...

  4. I prefer to think of Zooey Deschanel as Katy Perry with talent.
